SHP Newsletter 2

Greetings pet parents!
As you know, we are whole-heartedly dedicated to providing the highest quality pet care in Utah (and eventually everywhere.) Your pets deserve the best, and we're so beyond tired of hearing about negligent pet care elsewhere.
First, we've noticed that our emails may be going to your Spam folders, so we're trying this Blog post method! If you didn't catch our previous email, here were the main highlights:
- We won Best of SLC! Thank you so so much again to everyone who voted 😊
- We're opening a Pet Hotel in 2022! Help us create the best hotel with your feedback here
- We have a new offering called Vacation Care 🐾

And guess what's new?
1. We now have a salaried manager (shout out to the amazing Andrea) who:
- Checks every scheduled visit to ensure employees are on time and at your home's GPS location
- Checks every visit update to ensure employees are up to par and nothing is missed/amiss
- Is available from 8 AM-8 PM for any employee questions
- Assists with getting back to you as soon as possible
- Trains all employees with our 30+ page handbook, on-the-job training, and upkeeps training
2. We're changing standards.
We're requesting legislation to require pet care, grooming, and training businesses to have legal standards. The current laws are so abhorrently dismissive of animals' health and safety, and in many cases, there aren't any requirements at all! 😡 In many cases, as direct result of this lack of legislation, people's beloved pets aren't being cared for properly. If you'd like to join us in this cause, or you have a story to share to help this cause, please reach out to us at
3. We've added new services and updated pricing!
- In order to compensate our excellent employees, better our customer service, and plan for our Pet Hotel in 2022, our prices will be increasing by a small amount on August 10. We also understand some of you may want a more cost-effective option, so we've added a 15 Minute Visit at a lower cost.
- We're also offering a 20% discount for 30 min visits when you book Mon-Fri each week.
- We're offering lower prices when you book our new House Cleaning service weekly!
- In order to compensate our employees for the rising price of gas, we have a new service area map that details associated small fees for longer drive times. Our main service area does not have a fee. This map may be found on our services page.
4. Vacation Care visits will include a complimentary Igloohome Digital Keybox!
For any Vacation Care visits going forward, we'll be providing complimentary Igloohome Digital Keyboxes at your home to both secure your key and help us cut down on drive time! This will help us use less gas; the environment needs our help!
Thank you as always for your support!
The Sugar House Pets team 🐾